Michael Weeks
Department of Computer Science
25 Park Place, Suite 754
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: (404) 413-5722
Homepage :
Michael Weeks, "Analysis of the Computational Complexity of Backpropagation and Neuroevolution", The Computing Conference 2024, London, United Kingdom, 11-12 July 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-62281-6_18, paper link
Emma McDaniel, Jonathon Davis, and Michael Weeks, "Assessing the Flow State in a Classic Video Game through Simulation", IEEE SoutheastCon 2024, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2024, pp. 1119-1124, doi: 10.1109/SoutheastCon52093.2024.10500281.
Michael Weeks, Vince D Calhoun, and Robyn Miller, "Comparison of energy signals from the 4D DWT of resting state fMRI data obtained from a study on Schizophrenia", IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, (EMBC 2022), Glasgow, Scotland, July 11--15, 2022, 6 pages. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36085899/ also https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9871522
Michael Weeks, and Jonathon Davis, "Procedural Dungeon Generation for a 2D Top-down Game", 2022 ACM Southeast Conference, Virtual (originally Oxford, Alabama), April 18--20, 2022, 7 pages. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3476883.3520214
Jillian Morgan and Michael Weeks, "Improving Grading and Feedback of Programming Assignments Using Version Control: An Experience Report", (2021). Computer Science Technical Reports. 3. available here
Michael Weeks, Programming Fundamentals Using MATLAB, ISBN-13: 978-1683925552, Mercury Learning & Information, Dulles, VA, 2020, 550 pages.
Heta P. Desai, Anuja P. Parameshwaran, Rajshekhar Sunderraman, and Michael Weeks, ``Deep Ensemble Models for 16S Ribosomal Gene Classification'', Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS), volume 12304, 2020, pages 282--290. ACM DL and available here
Michael Weeks, ``Experimenting with N and P type transistors for Digital Logic'', https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8LCRClCT-c&feature=youtu.be, 2019.
Michael Weeks, ``Connecting an LED and Transistor'', https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-y8rRpbdBE&feature=youtu.be, 2019.
Heta P. Desai, Anuja P. Parameshwaran, Rajshekhar Sunderraman, and Michael Weeks, "Comparative Study Using Neural Networks for 16S Ribosomal Gene Classification," Journal of Computational Biology Vol. 27, No. 2, Published Online: 6 Feb 2020, https://doi.org/10.1089/cmb.2019.0436.
Anuja Parameshwaran, Heta P. Desai, Michael Weeks, and Rajshekhar Sunderraman, "Unravelling of Convolutional Neural Networks Through Bharatanatyam Mudra Classification with Limited Data," 10th Annual IEEE Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), Las Vegas, Nevada, January 6--8, 2020, pages 0342-0347, doi: 10.1109/CCWC47524.2020.9031185. link to IEEE Xplore
Anuja P. Parameshwaran, Heta P. Desai, Rajshekhar Sunderraman, and Michael Weeks, ``Transfer Learning for Classifying Single Hand Gestures on Comprehensive Bharatanatyam Mudra Dataset'', The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops, Long Beach, California, June 16--20, 2019.
Heta Desai, Anuja Parameshwaran, Michael Weeks, and Rajshekhar Sunderraman, ``16S Ribosomal Gene Classification Using Recurrent Neural Network Models'', 15th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA), Barcelona, Spain, June 3--6, 2019.
Michael Weeks and David Binnion, "Training a Neural Network Controlled Non-playing Character with Previous Output Awareness", ACM Southeast Conference, Kennesaw, Georgia, April 18-20, 2019. Doi: https://doi.org/10.1145/3299815.3314459
Michael Weeks, Andre Randall, and Vib Patel, "Neuro-Evolution and Reproducibility: a Case Study", IEEE Games, Entertainment, Media Conference (GEM), Galway, Ireland, August 15-17, 2018. Doi: 10.1109/GEM.2018.8516464
Renesha Hendrix and Michael Weeks, "First Programming Language for High School Students", The Society for Information Technology Teacher Education conference (SITE 2018) Washington, D.C., United States, March 26-30, 2018. https://www.learntechlib.org/p/182788/
Michael Weeks, David Binnion, Andre Chase Randall, and Vibhuti Patel, "Adventure Game With A Neural Network Controlled Non-playing Character", 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA17), Cancun, Mexico, December 17-21, 2017, pages 396 -- 401, Doi: 10.1109/ICMLA.2017.0-129
Zhongli Ding, Michael Weeks, Yanqing Zhang, and Yi Pan, "Integrating Security Education into a CS Curriculum - practices and experience", American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2016 Conference, (poster presentation), New Orleans, Louisiana, June 26-29, 2016.
Michael Weeks, Yi Pan, and Yanqing Zhang, "Increasing security awareness in undergraduate courses with labware", 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), Memphis, Tennessee, March 2 - 5, 2016. 10.1145/2839509.2850536
Zhen Qian, Abinashi Dhungel, Gustavo Vazquez, Michael Weeks, Szilard Voros, and Sarah Rinehart, "Coronary Artery Calcium: 0.5 mm Slice-Thickness Reconstruction with Adjusted Attenuation Threshold Outperforms 3.0 mm by Validating Against Spatially Registered Intravascular Ultrasound with Radiofrequency Backscatter", Journal of Academic Radiology, Volume 22, Issue 9, September 2015, Pages 1128-1137, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.acra.2015.03.016.
Yi Pan, Michael Weeks, and Yanqing Zhang, ``Integrating Security Education into a CS Curriculum -- practices and experience'', International Computing Education Research (ICER 15), Omaha, Nebraska, USA, August 9-13, 2015.
Zhongli Ding, Michael Weeks, Yanqing Zhang, and Yi Pan, "Mobile Security Labware Based on Voice Recognition and Cloud Servers", Colloquium for Information Systems Security Education (CISSE), Las Vegas, Nevada, June 15-17, 2015.
Michael Weeks, "Arduino Controlled Brewing," In Proceedings of the IEEE SOUTHEASTCON (IEEESE) 2015, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 9-12 April 2015. Doi: 10.1109/SECON.2015.7132950
Michael Weeks, "Creating a web-based, 2-D action game in JavaScript with HTML5", In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Southeast Regional Conference (ACM SE '14). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 7 , 6 pages. DOI=10.1145/2638404.2638466 http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2638404.2638466
Yi Pan, Yanqing Zhang, and Michael Weeks, "Mobile Security Education in Operating Systems, Embedded Systems and Cloud Systems at Georgia State University", The 2nd International IBM Cloud Academy Conference (ICA CON 2014), poster-paper, Atlanta, Georgia, May 8-9, 2014.
Weeks, M., "Calq programming via a web-interface on heterogenous devices," IEEE SOUTHEASTCON 2014, vol., no., pp.1,2, 13-16 March 2014 doi: 10.1109/SECON.2014.6950723 URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6950723&isnumber=6950640
Michael Weeks, Processamento Digital De Sinais Utilizando MATLAB E Wavelets, Second Edition, Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora Ltda., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2013 (Portuguese translation).
Abinashi Dhungel, Zhen Qian, Michael Weeks, James Lee, Viju Varghese, Reynaria Pitts, Wassim Odeh, Gustavo Vazquez, Sarah Rinehart, "A Novel Calcium Quantification Method With Adaptive Cutoff in Contrast-Enhanced Coronary CT Angiography", Poster presented at the 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT), Palais des congrès, Montrèal, Quèbec, Canada, July 11-14, 2013. Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, vol. 7, no. 3, Supplement, pp. S54--S55, 2013, abstracts of the 8th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1934592513003651
Abinashi Dhungel, Zhen Qian, Gustavo Vazquez, Sarah Rinehart, Michael Weeks, and Szilard Voros, "Optimal Cutoff Threshold for Calcium Quantification in Isotropic CT Calcium Scans by Validating against Registered Intravascular Ultrasound with Radiofrequency Backscatter", The 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, California, USA. August 28-September 1, 2012. http://embc2012.embs.org/
Abinashi Dhungel, Zhen Qian, Sarah Rinehart, Szilard Voros, Kunal Bhatt, Wassim Odeh, and Michael Weeks, "Validation of isotropic coronary artery calcium measurements using 320-detector row CT against intravascular ultrasound with radiofrequency backscatter", American College of Cardiology (ACC12), Chicago, IL, USA, March 24-27, 2012. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, vol. 59, no. 13s1, pp. E165-E165, 2012.
Abinashi Dhungel, Zhen Qian, Sarah Rinehart, Kunal Bhatt, Wassim Odeh, Michael Weeks, Szilard Voros, "Coronary Artery Calcium Quantification on 320-Detector Row CT Reconstructed with 0.5 mm Slice Thickness Correlates Better with IVUS/VH, Compared to 3.0 mm Reconstruction Slice Thickness", Poster presented at the 7th Annual Scientific Meeting of Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, SCCT 2012, Baltimore, Maryland, July 19 - 22, 2012. Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, vol. 6, no. 4, Supplement, pp. S8--S9, 2012, abstracts of the 7th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1934592512002158
Janaka Balasooriya, Sushil Prasad, and Michael Weeks, "A Mobile Fleet Application Case Study Using SyD Middleware", book chapter in The Handbook of Research on Mobile Software Engineering: Design Implementations and Emergent Applications, Paulo Alencar (Author, Editor), Donald Cowan (Editor), ISBN: 9781615206551, 2012, pages 845--867.
Michael Weeks, "An Internet-Based Scientific Programming Environment," The International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications (DICTAP2011), Universite de Bourgogné, Dijon, France, June 21-23, 2011, 12 pages. The DICTAP2011 proceedings are published in the "Communications in Computer and Information Science'' (CCIS) Series of Springer LNCS.
Abinashi Dhungel and Michael Weeks, "Performance Measurement for a Wavelet Transform-based Video Compression," Proceedings of the 49th Annual Association for Computing Machinery Southeast Conference, Kennesaw, GA, USA, March 24-26, 2011, pages 216-220. ISBN: 978-1-4503-0686-7/11/03
Evelyn Brannock and Michael Weeks, Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services, Book Chapter (Chapter 12), Springer, Berlin, 2010, ISBN 9783642146190.
Michael Weeks, "The Calq System for Signal Processing Applications," International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, October 26-29, 2010, pages 121-126.
Abinashi Dhungel and Michael Weeks, "Study of Multi-Scale Temporal Extension and Minkowski Pooling for MSSIM," International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan, October 26-29, 2010, pages 887-890.
Michael Weeks, Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB and Wavelets, Second Edition, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc, Sudbury, MA, 2010.
Ferrol R. Blackmon and Michael Weeks, "Target Acquisition by a Hands-free Wireless Tilt Mouse", IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2009 (SMC 2009), San Antonio, Texas, October 11-14, 2009, pages 33-38, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ICSMC.2009.5346346.
Michael Weeks and Evelyn Brannock, "Demonstrating Edge Data Across Multiple Resolution Levels", Proceedings of the IEEE Southeast Conference, Atlanta, GA, March 5-8, 2009.
Evelyn Brannock, Michael Weeks, and Robert Harrison, "The Effect of Wavelet Families on Watermarking", Journal of Computers, Vol 4, No 6 (2009), 554-566, June 2009, doi:10.4304/jcp.4.6.554-566.
Ferrol Blackmon and Michael Weeks, "Wireless Tilt Mouse: Providing Mouse-type Access for Computer Users with Spinal Cord Injuries or Disabilities", accepted to the International Workshop on Ambient Assistive Technologies for Intelligent Healthcare Services (AASTIHS08), part of First International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive environments (PETRA 2008) July 18th 2008.
Evelyn Brannock and Michael Weeks, "Biological Image Segmentation with Wavelets", Poster Paper at the International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA08), May 6-9, 2008, Atlanta, GA, USA, CD-ROM, pages 15-18.
Carson Herrick and Michael Weeks, "Brain Computer Interfaces", Poster Paper at the International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications (ISBRA08), May 6-9, 2008, Atlanta, GA, USA, CD-ROM, pages 41-44.
Evelyn Brannock, Michael Weeks and Robert Harrison, "Watermarking with Wavelets: Simplicity Leads to Robustness," Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2008, Huntsville, Alabama, April 3-6, 2008, pages 587-592.
Evelyn Brannock and Michael Weeks, "A Synopsis of Recent Work in Edge Detection using the DWT," Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2008, Huntsville, Alabama, April 3-6, 2008, pages 515-520.
Ottmar Beucher and Michael Weeks, Introduction to MATLAB and Simulink, Third Edition, Infinity Science Press, Hingham, MA, 2007.
Vidya Rangaswamy and Michael Weeks, "Phoneme Classification using Wavelet Packets," Proceedings of the Fourth IASTED Conference Communications, Internet and Information Technology (CIIT 2006), St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, USA, November 29 - December 1, 2006, pages 31-34.
Michael Weeks, Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB and Wavelets, Infinity Science Press, Hingham, MA, 2006.
Michael Weeks and Gulsah Altun, "Efficient, Secure, Dynamic Source Routing for Ad-hoc Networks," Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 2006, pages 559-581.
Evelyn Brannock, Michael Weeks, and Vincent Rehder, "Detecting Filopodia with Wavelets," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS '06), Kos, Greece, May 21-24, 2006, pages 4046-4049.
Evelyn Brannock and Michael Weeks, "Edge Detection Using Wavelets," 44th Annual ACM Southeast Conference, Melbourne, Florida, March 10-12, 2006, pages 649-654.
Bryson R. Payne, Saeid O.Belkasim, G. Scott Owen, Michael C.Weeks, and Ying Zhu, "Accelerated 2D Image Processing on GPUs", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3515, Apr 2005, Pages 256 - 264.
The above paper may also appear as:
Bryson R. Payne, Saeid O. Belkasim, G. Scott Owen, Michael C.
and Ying Zhu, "Accelerated
2D & 3D Image Processing on GPUs",
Fourth International Workshop on
Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling (CGGM'2005),
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 22-25 2005.
Robert Gulde, Michael Weeks, Scott Owen, and Yi Pan, "Parallel Computing with Multiple GPUs on a Single Machine to Achieve Performance Gains," Poster at GP2: Workshop on General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processors, Los Angeles, California, 7-8 August 2004.
Robert Gulde, Michael Weeks, Scott Owen, and Yi Pan, "Parallel Computing with Multiple GPUs on a Single Machine to Achieve Performance Gains," SIGGRAPH 2004 Posters Program, Los Angeles, California, 8-12 August 2004.
Sushil K. Prasad, V. Madisetti, (others), Michael Weeks, et al., "System on Mobile Devices (SyD): A Middleware Testbed for Collaborative Applications over Small Heterogeneous Devices and Data Stores," Proceedings of the ACM/IFIP/USENIX 5th International Middleware Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, October 18th - 22nd, 2004, pages 352-371.
Brian Gamulkiewicz and Michael Weeks, "Wavelet Based Speech Recognition," IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Cairo, Egypt, December 27-30, 2003, pages 678-681.
Baoan Wang and Michael Weeks, "The HIR Filter: Triggering Reset With Output Slope," IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), Cairo, Egypt, December 27-30, 2003, pages 636-639.
S. K. Prasad, M. Weeks, Y. Zhang, A. Zelikovsky, S. Belkasim, R. Sunderraman, and V. Madisetti, "Toward an Easy Programming Environment for Implementing Mobile Applications: A Fleet Application Case Study using SyD Middleware," IEEE International Workshop on Web Based Systems and Applications (WEBSA), in conjunction with the 27th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2003), Dallas, Texas, November 3 - 6, 2003, pages 696-701.
Michael Weeks and Magdy Bayoumi, "Discrete Wavelet Transform: Architectures, Design and Performance Issues," Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Volume 35, Issue 2, September 2003, pages 155-178.
S. K. Prasad, V. Madisetti, R. Sunderraman, E. Dogdu, A. Bourgeois, M. Weeks, et al., "A Middleware for Collaborative Applications over a System of Mobile Devices (SyD): An Implementation Case Study," Technical Report CS-TR-03-01, Department of Computer Science, Georgia State University, July 2003, 16 pages.
Robert Gulde and Michael Weeks, "A Position Control System Design," 2003 International Workshop on System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications, Calgary, Canada, June 30 - July 2, 2003, pages 400-405.
Wael Badawy, Michael Talley, Guoqing Zhang, Michael Weeks, and Magdy Bayoumi, "Low Power Very Large Scale Integration Prototype for Three-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform Processor with Medical Applications," Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 12, Number 2, April 2003, pages 270-277.
S.K.Prasad, M. Weeks, Y. Zhang, A. Zelikovskiy, S. Belkasim, R. Sunderraman, and V. Madisetti, "Mobile Fleet Application Using SOAP and System on Devices (SyD) Middleware Technologies," Communications, Internet and Information Technology (CIIT 2002), St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, USA, November 18-20, 2002, pages 426-431.
Nimarta Arora and Michael Weeks, "Implementation of Enhanced Services Provided by Digital Video Broadcasting," Third International Workshop on Digital and Computational Video (DCV '02), Clearwater, Florida, USA, November 14-15, 2002.
M. B. Townsley, M. C. Weeks, R. K. Ragade and A. Kumar, "A Large Scale, Distributed, Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Simulation," Transactions on Advanced Research, Volume 2, Number 2, July 2006, pages 58-63.
Vijay Madisetti, Sushil K Prasad, Michael Weeks, Raghupathy Sivakumar, Raj Sunderraman, Sham Navathe, Yi Pan, Yanqing Zhang, Saied Belkasim and Alex Zelikovsky, "System of Databases (SyD): An Enabling Technology for Programming Applications on Multiple Mobile Databases," (submitted for publication).
Michael Weeks, and Magdy Bayoumi, "Three-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Architectures," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 50, Number 8, August 2002, pages 2050-2063.
Michael Weeks and Baoan Wang, "A Hybrid Infinite/Finite Impulse Response (HIR) Filter," 45th IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems Proceedings (MWSCAS), Tulsa, Oklahoma, August 4-7, 2002.
Michael Weeks and Qin Wang, "Orthogonal Wavelet Coefficient Precision and Fixed Point Representation," 2002 International Workshop on System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications, Banff, Canada, July 5-7, 2002, pages 497-506.
Wael Badawy, Michael Weeks, Guoqing Zhang, Michael Talley, and Magdy Bayoumi, "MRI Data Compression Using a 3-D Discrete Wavelet Transform," IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 21, Issue 4, July/August 2002, pages 95-103.
Baoan Wang and Michael Weeks, "Digital Data Formats and Their Effects," 40th Annual ACM Southeast Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, April 26-27, 2002, pages 235-238.
Michael Weeks, "Precision for 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform Processors," 2000 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), Lafayette, Louisiana, October 10-13, 2000, pages 80-89.
Guoqing Zhang, Mike Talley, Wael Badawy, Michael Weeks and Magdy Bayoumi, "A Low Power 3-D Discrete Wavelet Transform Processor for Medical Applications," 1999 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), Taipei, Taiwan, October 20-22, 1999, pages 65-74.
Guoqing Zhang, Mike Talley, Wael Badawy, Michael Weeks and Magdy Bayoumi, "A Low Power Prototype for a 3-D Discrete Wavelet Transform Processor," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS '99), Orlando, Florida, May 30-June 2 1999, Volume 1, pages 145-148.
Michael Weeks, Beth Lumetta, and Magdy Bayoumi, "The Black Jack Tutor Chip: Dealing From Idea to Silicon," IEEE Potentials, April/May 1999, pages 38-42.
Michael Weeks, Jimmy Limqueco, and Magdy Bayoumi, "On Block Architectures for Discrete Wavelet Transform," 32nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, California, November 1-4, 1998.
Michael Weeks and Magdy Bayoumi, "3-D Discrete Wavelet Transform Architectures," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS '98), Monterey, California, May 31 - June 3, 1998.
Michael Weeks, "Architectures for the 3-D Discrete Wavelet Transform," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, May 1998.
M. Weeks, M. B. Maaz, H. Krishnamurthy, P. Shipley, M. Bayoumi, "A Prototype Chipset for a Large Scaleable ATM Switching Node," Seventh Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, Urbana-Champaign Illinois, March 13-15, 1997, pages 131-136.
Paul Shipley, Michael Weeks, and Magdy Bayoumi, "A Scaleable Very Large ATM Switch Architecture For Bursty Traffic," Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN '96), Rockville, Maryland, October 16-19, 1996, pages 188-191.
Harold Szu, Charles Hsu, Marie Erie, and Michael Weeks, "An Artificial Chaotic Neural Network for Image Feature Extraction," Progress in Neural Information Processing: Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Information Processing, Hong Kong, September 24-27, 1996, pages 496-501.
Harold Szu, Charles Hsu, Marie Erie, and Michael Weeks, "An Artificial Chaotic Neural Network for Image Feature Extraction," World Congress on Neural Networks, San Diego, California, September 15-18, 1996, pages 1361-1366.
Paul Shipley, Michael Weeks, and Magdy Bayoumi, "A Controller Chip for a Scaleable ATM Switch Node," Proceedings of the 39th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Ames, Iowa, August 18-21, 1996, pages 73-76.
Michael Weeks, "Altered Payoff Values and the Effect on a Population of Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Players," Master's of Engineering Thesis, University of Louisville, 1994.
Michael Weeks, Calq -- A Free, Web Browser Based Programming Language, 2007--present, http://hallertau.cs.gsu.edu/calq_latest/
See also Projects I've developed in JavaScript
Anuja P. Parameshwaran, Deep Architectures for Visual Recognition and Description, Ph.D. Dissertation, Committee Chair: Dr. Michael Weeks; Committee: Dr. Rajshekhar Sunderraman, Dr. Juan Banda, and Dr. George Pullman (Department of English), July 17, 2020.
Andre Chase Randall, Make My Ogre Smarter -- Machine learning for non-playing character (NPC) control in a 2-D Adventure Game, based on HTML5 and JavaScript, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, 2016.
Abinashi Dhungel, Coronary Artery Calcium Quantification in Contrast-Enhanced Computed Tomography Angiography, Ph.D. Dissertation, September 20, 2013. Michael Weeks (Committee chair), Committee members: Dr. Saeid Belkasim, Dr. Robert Harrison, Dr. Mukeshwar Dhamala (Physics and Astronomy Department), and Dr. Zhen Qian (Piedmont Heart Institute, Atlanta).
Mark Daniel Gibbons, Pill Recognition with Rule Based Classification, M.S. Project, November 26, 2012. Chair: Michael Weeks, Committee: Rajshekhar Sunderraman.
Abinashi Dhungel, Coronary Artery Calcium Quantification in Contrast-Enhanced Computer Tomography Angiography, Ph.D. Prospectus, Friday, November 16, 2012. Michael Weeks (chair), Saeid Belkasim, Robert Harrison, Mukesh Dhamala (GSU - Physics and Astronomy), and Zhen Qian (Piedmont Heath Institute).
Brendan Benshoof, Exploration of Wearable Computing, Undergraduate Honors Thesis, 2011.
Ferrol Rawson Blackmon, Virtual Dynamic Tunnel: A Target-Agnostic Assistive User Interface Algorithm for Head-Operated Input Devices, Ph.D. Dissertation, November 11, 2010. Michael Weeks (Committee chair), Committee members: Saeid Belkasim, Xiaolin Hu, Xiaochun He (Physics).
Latchezar Paskalev, Speaker Identification using Gaussian Mixture Models, Master's Project, April 20, 2010. Michael Weeks (Committee chair), Committee members: Ying Zhu.
Sean McKeon, A GPU Stream Computing Approach to Terrain Database Integrity Monitoring, Master’s Thesis, June 19, 2009. Michael Weeks (Committee chair). Committee members: Scott Owen and Ying Zhu.
Evelyn Brannock, Using the Discrete Wavelet Transform to Haar'd Code A Digital Watermark, Ph.D. Dissertation, April 9, 2009. Michael Weeks (Committee chair). Committee members: Robert Harrison, Saeid Belkasim, and Ephraim McLean (Computer Information Systems).
Ferrol Blackmon, Head Tilt Mouse: Providing Mouse Pointer Computer Access to People with Disabilities, Ph.D. Prospectus, February 26, 2009. Michael Weeks (Committee chair). Committee members: Saeid Belkasim, Xiaolin Hu, and Xiaochun He (Physics).
Evelyn Brannock, Using the Discrete Wavelet Transform to Haar'd Code A Digital Watermark, Ph.D. Prospectus, December 10, 2008. Michael Weeks (Committee chair). Committee members: Robert Harrison, Saeid Belkasim, and Ephraim McLean (Computer Information Systems).
Vidya Rangaswamy, Phoneme Recognition Using Wavelet Packets, Master's Thesis, November 11, 2005 (chair).
Huaxin (Johnny) Ye, Wavelet Neural Network based Audio Compression, Master's Thesis, December 2, 2004 (chair).
Jigesh Parikh, Enhancing Role Based Access Control using LDAP, Master's Thesis, November 29, 2004 (chair).
Robert Gulde, Using Multiple GPUs in Parallel to Achieve Performance Gains on a Single CPU System, Master's Thesis, June 24, 2004 (chair).
Janki Vora, A P300 Signal Controlled Robotic Arm Movement Brain Computer Interface, Master's Thesis, March 2, 2004 (chair).
Brian Gamulkiewicz, Speech Recognition using the Wavelet Transform, Master's Thesis, December 15, 2003 (chair).
Nimarta Arora, Co-existence Issues Between Bluetooth and 802.11b Networks, Master's Thesis, November 14, 2003 (chair).
Gulsah Altun, Security in Wireless Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols, Master's Thesis, November 7, 2003 (chair).
Hrishi Talwar, BlueComm - A Simple Ways of Writing Applications for Bluetooth Devices, Master's Project, May 8, 2003 (chair).
Anchalee Wongsirimunkong, Food Ordering System (using Web Services with an iPAQ), Master's Project, November 25, 2002 (chair).
Chaitanya Bandela, Improving WEP Security in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks, Master's Thesis, November 13, 2002 (co-chair).
Baoan Wang, A Hybrid Infinite/Finite Impulse Response (HIR) Filter, Master's Thesis, November 12, 2002 (chair).
Qin Wang, A Greedy Search Algorithm for Adaptive QMF
Master's Thesis, July 15, 2002 (chair).
Heta Desai, Biomedical Data Classification with Improvised Deep Learning Architectures Ph.D. Dissertation, Committee Chair: Rajshekhar Sunderraman; Committee: Michael Weeks, Yanqing Zhang, Yi Jiang, July 17, 2020.
Fareya Waris, S2Droid An Android App to Control the Scribbler2 Robot, M.S. Project, November 26, 2012. Chair: Rajshekhar Sunderraman, Committee: Michael Weeks
Melissa Nikolic, Modeling Membrane Potential Change, Master's Project, November 21, 2011. Eric Gilbert (chair), Committee Members: Irene Weber and Michael Weeks.
Abhinav Gupta, Places, Events, and Offers on Your Smartphone - An iPhone Application, Master's Project, April 26, 2011. Raj Sunderraman (Committee chair), Committee members: Michael Weeks.
Jonathan D. Blanton, FuturePath: Graduate Student Management Tool, Master's Project, November 29, 2010. Rajshekhar Sunderraman (chair), Committee Member: Michael Weeks.
Lindsey Blackstock, RFT: Recency & Frequency Toggling Cache Replacement Policy, Master's Project, November 29, 2010. Anu Bourgeois (Committee chair), Committee member: Michael Weeks.
Kireet Kokala, Measuring the Effectiveness of Web Based Collaboration with Latent Semantic Analysis, Master's Project, April 16, 2010. Ying Zhu (chair), Committee Member: Michael Weeks.
Lanier Watkins, Using Network Traffic to Infer CPU and Memory Utilization for Cluster Grid Computing Applications, Ph.D. Dissertation, January 5, 2010. Raheem Beyah (Committee chair). Committee members: Anu Bourgeois, Michael Weeks, and Upkar Varshney (Computer Information Systems).
Srikanth Tirupathi, On Demand Storage & Collaboration with Content Management Systems using Web Services, Master's Project, July 13, 2009. Rajshekhar Sunderraman (chair), Committee Member: Michael Weeks.
Ngozi Oleleh, Model View Controller Based Design in the Development of an iPhone Application, Master's Project, April 13, 2009. Rajshekhar Sunderraman (chair), Committee Member: Michael Weeks.
Susan Gentner, A Browser-Based Collaborative Multimedia Messaging System, Master's Thesis, April 2, 2009. Xiaolin Hu (Committee chair). Committee members: Anu Bourgeois and Michael Weeks.
Lanier Watkins, Using Network Traffic to Infer CPU and Memory Utilization for Grid Computing Applications, Ph.D. Prospectus, January 29, 2009. Raheem Beyah (Committee chair). Committee members: Anu Bourgeois, Michael Weeks, and Upkar Varshney (Computer Information Systems).
Jeffrey Chastine, On Inter-referential Awareness in Collaborative Augmented Reality Environments, Ph.D. Dissertation, July 17, 2007. Ying Zhu (Committee chair). Committee members: G. Scott Owen, Sushil K. Prasad, Michael Weeks, and Blair MacIntyre (Georgia Tech, College of Computing).
Srilaxmi Malladi, Secure Scheduling and Execution of Collaborative Applications for Medical Informatics, Ph.D. Prospectus, April 30, 2007. Sushil K. Prasad (Committee chair). Committee members: Sham K. Navathe, Michael Weeks, and Yanqing Zhang.
Ehsan Azarnasab, Robot-In-The-Loop Simulation to Support Multi-Robot System Development: A Dynamic Team Formation Example, Master's Thesis, November 20, 2006. Xiaolin Hu (Committee Chair). Committee members: Michael Weeks and Yanqing Zhang.
Shibi P. Thankachan, 64 x 64 Bit Multiplier Using Pass Logic Principle, Master's Thesis, November 20, 2006. A. P. Preethy (Committee Chair). Committee members: Michael Weeks and Saeid Belkasim.
Jeffrey Chastine, Inter-referential Awareness in Collaborative Augmented Reality Environments, Ph.D. Prospectus, April 21, 2006 (Committee member).
Hui Liu, Topology Control, Routing Protocols and Performance Evaluation for Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Ph.D. Dissertation, August 5, 2005. Yi Pan (Committee Chair). Committee members: Anu Bourgeois, Michael Weeks, and Yichuan Zhao (Mathematics).
Mathura Gopalan, Simulating a Pipelined Reconfigurable Mesh on a Linear Array with Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System, Master's Thesis, July 15, 2005, Dr. Anu G. Bourgeois (Committee Chair). Committee Members: Michael Weeks and Yi Pan.
Tihomir Surdilovic, Fuzzy Mouse Cursor Control System For Computer Users with Spinal Cord Injuries, Master's Thesis, July 13, 2005, Yan-Qing Zhang (Committee Chair). Committee Members: Michael Weeks and Rajshekhar Sunderraman.
Hui Liu, Topology Control, Routing Protocols and Performance Evaluation for Mobile Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Ph.D. Prospectus, May 31, 2005 (Committee member).
Bryson Payne, Accelerating Scientific Computation In Bioinformatics By Using Graphics Processing Units As Parallel Vector Processors, Ph.D. Dissertation, November 30, 2004 (Committee member).
Shilpa Panaganti, Parallel SVM [Support Vector Machine] with Application to Protein Structure Prediction, Master's Thesis, November 9, 2004 (Committee member).
Gayatri Ayalasomayajula, Calciomics: Utilizing Computational Tools to Identify EF-hand Calcium Binding Proteins in Biological Systems, Master's Project Report, July 29, 2004 (Committee member).
Bryson Payne, Accelerating Scientific Computation In Bioinformatics By Using Graphics Processing Units As Parallel Vector Processors, Ph.D. Prospectus, April 13, 2004 (Committee member).
Rasmi M. Moan, Implementation and Analysis of Genetic Algorithm for Molecular Modeling, Master's Thesis, March 23, 2004 (Committee member).
Omar B. Mbowe, Dynamic Power Assignment in Static Wireless AdHoc Network, Master's Thesis, July 8, 2003 (Committee member).
Van Searcy, An Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem
Optical Mashes and the Ant Colony Optimization Technique, Master's
Thesis, November 22, 2002 (Committee member).
GEDC Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 18-19, 2004
GEDC Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 20, 2004
GEDC Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 22, 2003
Yamacraw Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 24, 2003
Yamacraw Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) conference, Atlanta, Georgia, October 30, 2002
Yamacraw Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) conference, Atlanta, Georgia, April 17, 2002
Yamacraw Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) conference, Atlanta,
Georgia, October 17, 2001
Yamacraw Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) conference, Atlanta,
Georgia, April, 2001
I attended this workshop, Computational Thinking through Computing and Music -- an interdisciplinary NSF TUES project, hosted by Jesse Heines and Gena Greher, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, Massachusetts, June 21-22, 2012.
University consultation - I consulted for the International University of Grand Bassam (IUGB). They are starting an American-style university in the Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire).
Filopodia Measurement - This project was supported by a Brains and Behavior grant. I am working with Dr. Vincent Rehder of the Biology department. Our goal is to automatically measure the long, thin out-growths from neurons. This work is one of the reasons why I joined the Neuroscience Institute.
Yamacraw Embedded Software - This project was the world's largest embedded software group. See the Georgia Electronic Design Center (GEDC). We worked with professors from Georgia Tech, Southern Polytechnic State, and the University of Georgia.
Muon Detection PHENIX/RHIC - Project to detect the presence of muon particles generated from a collision of gold atoms. This was a joint project led by Dr. Xiaochun He of the Physics department, and included Dr. G.T. Chen from the Mathematics and Statistics department.
Robotic control via Brain Computer Interface - This project involved making coffee with a robotic arm, controlled by brain signals. Janki Vora wrote her thesis on this research. The work was carried out in Dr. Melody Moore's lab, a member of the Computer Information Systems department.
Discrete Wavelet Transforms - Master's of Science Project, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, performed 1-D and 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transforms on speech and image data, followed by compression.
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Control Chip - Worked on a layout with over 300,000 transistors. The chip controls four ATM switch chips to form a 16x16 switch. The layout was done using Opus LayoutPlus software (Cadence).
Land Mine Detection - Using wavelets, I wrote a program in the MATLAB environment to automatically detect the presence of land mines.
Internet Mining - Used HTML forms and a neural network written in C to guide an Internet user through a database of human images.
Chaotic Neural Networks - Studied a Neural Network with a non-sigmoidal response. This work could be used to show the effects of brain damage.
Rapid Prototyping - Simulated rapid prototyping system in order to determine things like cost, time, etc. This simulation was used with the rapid prototyping system at the University of Louisville.
Center for Hazards Research and Policy Development (CHRPD) - I worked on this project while still at the University of Louisville, with people from Civil Engineering as well as Computer Engineering.