CSc 8270 - Digital Signal Processing
Midterm Exam files

This directory contains some files that you can use for the midterm exam. Since this is a take-home exam, you are expected to produce a printed copy of your answers. The questions are listed here though these should be the same as in the "bare_conf.tex" file below.

You will need these:
file bare_conf.tex
file csc8270.bib
file IEEEtran.cls

You may want these:
file bare_conf.pdf

You should not need these:
file bare_conf.aux
file bare_conf.bbl
file bare_conf.blg
file bare_conf.log
file exam8270.tex (the relevant stuff was moved to "bare_conf.tex" above)

While you could use the "exam8270.tex" file above to create a document, I strongly encourage you to use the "bare_conf.tex" file instead. You can replace the example text with your own, and comment out anything that you do not need.