The mid-term exam will be over these papers.
Copies will not be provided for you.
bring a clean, printed copy of each of these to class on the day of the midterm.
(A clean copy is one that does not have writing on it.)
You should read these in advance.
The exam will use a subset of these papers.
(Update: use papers 2, 3, and 4.)
Bring blank paper, pens, pencils, a stapler, and a watch to the exam.
We decided to do a take-home exam. For each of the papers, answer the following questions:
When answering the questions, make sure to show all of your work. State your assumptions, and explain your answers thoroughly. Remember that an explanation is expected with every answer. Use direct quotes as appropriate to support your answers. Cite the source. A good answer will include some technical depth. A good answer will include critical comments, and your own analysis.
@INPROCEEDINGS{5946352, author={Y. Chen and Y. C. Eldar and A. J. Goldsmith}, booktitle={2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, title={Shannon meets Nyquist: Capacity limits of sampled analog channels}, year={2011}, pages={3104-3107}, keywords={channel capacity;estimation theory;filtering theory;mean square error methods;optimisation;signal sampling;MMSE estimation;Nyquist rate;capacity limits;filter bank;filtering;information theory;joint optimization problem;minimum mean squared error estimation;optimal filters;sampled analog channels;sampled data;sampling mechanisms;sampling strategy;sampling technique;sampling theory;transmission strategy;uniform sampling;Bandwidth;Channel capacity;Frequency response;Joints;Optimization;Signal to noise ratio;Landau rate;Sampling rate;channel capacity;sampled analog channels;sub-Nyquist sampling}, doi={10.1109/ICASSP.2011.5946352}, ISSN={1520-6149}, month={May},}
@INPROCEEDINGS{7910736, author={V. M. Troyanovskyi and V. D. Koldaev and A. A. Zapevalina and O. A. Serduk and K. S. Vasilchuk}, booktitle={2017 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus)}, title={Why the using of Nyquist-Shannon-Kotelnikov sampling theorem in real-time systems is not correct?}, year={2017}, pages={1048-1051}, keywords={filtering theory;real-time systems;signal sampling;Nyquist-Shannon-Kotelnikov sampling theorem;discretely-continuous channel;error determination;real-time systems;reconstruction filter;Digital filters;Filtering theory;Real-time systems;Stochastic processes;Time-domain analysis;Time-frequency analysis;Nyquist frequency;Nyquist-Shannon-Kotelnikov sampling theorem;aliasing;estimation;real time;reconstruction filter;sampling;stochastic process}, doi={10.1109/EIConRus.2017.7910736}, month={Feb},}
@ARTICLE{989874, author={N. C. Beaulieu}, journal={Proceedings of the IEEE}, title={Introduction to "Certain topics in telegraph transmission theory"}, year={2002}, volume={90}, number={2}, pages={276-279}, keywords={Nyquist criterion;digital communication;information theory;intersymbol interference;signal sampling;telegraphy;Nyquist classic paper;Nyquist first criterion;Nyquist rate;Nyquist second criterion;Nyquist third criterion;digital communications;intersymbol interference;pulse shaping;sampling theorem;telegraph transmission theory;Biographies;Circuit stability;Circuit testing;Control engineering;Feedback amplifiers;History;Medals;Pulse modulation;TV;Telegraphy}, doi={10.1109/5.989874}, ISSN={0018-9219}, month={Feb},}
@ARTICLE{5055024, author={H. Nyquist}, journal={Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers}, title={Certain Topics in Telegraph Transmission Theory}, year={1928}, volume={47}, number={2}, pages={617-644}, keywords={Circuits;Costs;Distortion;Equalizers;Frequency conversion;Interference;Shape;Steady-state;Telegraphy;Telephony}, doi={10.1109/T-AIEE.1928.5055024}, ISSN={0096-3860}, month={April},}