Lab Reports

Lab Reports

Each student is responsible for turning in a separate lab report.

I recommend that you keep a binder to store the lab assignments and your notes regarding the lab. You should take good notes, and use them as the basis for the "Work Log" below. You should type up your lab reports. When you include a graph or drawing with your lab, draw it using a computer.

Things to consider when writing your report:

Labs should include:

1. A title page with

The title page should be on a page by itself. The items below do not need to be on a separate page - just use your best judgment.

2. A brief introduction (this should give a curious reader information about the experiment without bogging him/her down with details).

3. A list of parts/components used, including software: compiler(s), OS, etc. (e.g. an iPAQ model 3850 with Linux installed). Do not list the obvious (power cord to connect PC to electrical outlet, table to put the PC on, etc.)

4. Work Log
This a summary of the work that you did in the lab, followed by any relevant graphs or drawings. Include dates and times of when you worked on the lab. What did you do (briefly)? What worked? What did NOT work as you expected? This (and #5 below) make up the main body of the report.

Do keep electronic copies of any files, in case the TA or professor asks for it. If turning in a printed copy, do NOT turn in excessive printouts. Instead, for a long print-out (like output from a program), you can show it with an ellipsis: print the first few lines, print an ellipsis (three periods in a row ("...") on a line by themselves), then print the next few lines of interest, print another ellipsis, repeat as needed, then show the last few lines. You can also put this in anytime you need; it conveys the idea that you are skipping something similar and non-note-worthy. You can also do this for code that someone else wrote, e.g. to show lines that you changed.

If relevant, include a screen-capture of any window (such as a simulator's screen, Arduino's serial interface screen, or other screen).

5. Questions and answers
Write the questions and your answers (along with any graphs).

6. Conclusions

If you used any external material, you must cite it in the report, and put the reference information here. For example, suppose you find a book that mentions the screen size for the iPAQ. If you repeat that fact in your report, you need to follow it with a citation (i.e. [1]). Then in the reference section, you would have:
    [1] Author, Book name, Publisher, page.
This goes for all external materials, including graphics from websites, e-mail, personal communications, journals, conference proceedings, movies, TV shows, etc. If you did not use any references, then you do not need to have this section.

The appendix should contain the code that you wrote for the lab. Include any other information for the reader's reference, such as additional graphs, tables, etc. Start the appendix on a new page.

Expected format