An experiment with production rules

These are the production rules for Roman numerals.
Use these to count with Roman numerals.
(For information on production rules, see Hofstadter's book, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid.)
(For a Roman-numeral to integer converter, see this on-line conversion page.)
When there are multiple rules that could be used, use the one with the lowest number.
This is a draft; it may be incomplete.

0: if the string ends in VIII (8), change it to IX (9).
1: if we have III (3), it becomes IV (4).
2: if we have XXXIX (39) or LXXXIX (89), make it XL (40) or XC (90), respectively.
3: if we have XCIX (99) make it C (100). Also handle XLIX, DCCCXCIX and CCCXCIX.
4: if an I is followed by V or X, remove that I (aIb -> ab).
5: if all else fails, append I.

Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Michael Weeks