CSc 8210 - Advanced Computer Architecture
Tentative Syllabus (part 1 of 3)

Fall Semester, 2021
Classroom: Classroom South 411
classroom seats can be logged here Make sure you are logged in to the VPN first.
Time: MW 5:30 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.

Instructor: Dr. Michael Weeks
Computer Science Department
Office: office hours will be conducted via Webex.
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:30-4:30 p.m., starting August 31, ending November 30


Teaching Assistant: Yihan Zhong
TA's office hours: TBA
TA's office: office hours will be held via Webex
TA's e-mail address: yzhong3 [at] student [dot] gsu [dot] edu

Click here for the Syllabus policies

The Final Exam will be presentations, including December 8, 2021, from 16:15 to 18:45 (the official final exam time).


CSc 3210 Computer Organization and Programming (assembly language) and CSc 4210/6210 (Computer Architecture), or equivalent. In addition, students are expected to know discrete structures applicable to computer science, number bases, logic, sets, Boolean algebra, graph theory.

This course covers multiprocessors (including shared memory as well as distributed memory systems), vector processing, program and network properties, scalable performance, memory hierarchy (including cache memory organization), pipelining, and bus systems. Topical research papers will also be discussed.


  1. Overview and Review
  2. transistors, digital logic
  3. multipliers
  4. FFT
  5. cache
  6. Amdahl's law
  7. pipelines
  8. parallel processing
  9. MACs
  10. GPUs
  11. RISC vs CISC, Sparc
  12. CNN
  13. ISA review
  14. Architecture Performance
  15. Memory and Cache
  16. Virtual Memory
  17. Instruction Level Parallelism
  18. Interrupts
  19. Branch Prediction
  20. Extracting More ILP
  21. Multiprocessors
  22. Interconnection Networks (time permitting)

My assumptions :
  You are here to learn computer architecture as best you can
  You will give your best effort
  You will read the book
  You will come to class on time and stay to the end
  You will pay attention and communicate
  You will use class time for class-related activities only

Instruction, Research, and Service are the three main components of a university.
  How will you serve this class?

The nature of the course is that complex questions often have simple, elegant answers. However, a simple answer with no detail is of little value, especially if it is incorrect. Therefore, every answer that you give for this class, including homeworks, quizzes, and tests, should include an explanation on how you arrived at your answer, assumptions that you made, any other considerations, and how you know that your answer is correct. Expect to lose points if the explanation is insufficient. Expect to lose points if you do not staple your work when it exceeds a page. Also, we will consider things including presentation, neatness, legibility, and professionalism when grading your work. Your work may lose points if it is found lacking.