Move Pounce around the screen.
First, take a look at
On that page, you will see a JavaScript program called "simple animation". We will use this to get started with this assignment.
Copy the file "simple_animation.html", e.g.: "cd public_html/", then "cp /home/mweeks/public_html/simple_animation.html ." and then "cp /home/mweeks/Pounce.png ." Next, edit your copy of "simple_animation.html" to use "Pounce.png" instead of "manLRUD_32x32.png", comment out the "SpriteCol++" line, and change "SpriteX" and "SpriteY" according to the keypress (up, down, left, or right). Do not let the icon leave the screen (i.e. SpriteX and SpriteY should be 0 at minimum, and no more than the width/height defined for "theCanvas"). Include a link to the "simple_animation.html" from your webpage. Finally, create a log file*, log into gamedev, change to your "public_html" directory, and get a long list ("ls -l") of the files, so we can see that the files are there.
You should be able to test your own page on GAMEDEV. Replace the "~mweeks" in the webpage above with your account name, e.g. "~asmith4" if you log in with "asmith4". The tilde is important and should be specified in the URL.
* a log file is a text file showing what you do. At the command prompt, type "script " followed by a name like "hmwk3.txt". Everything you type, and everything the system responds with, will go into the file. Type "exit" to stop the log file. You can log in to gamedev before running the "script" command if your computer does not support it.
Turn in a text file. Don't send anything in a proprietary format, like Microsoft Word files.