You will be assigned an account on a computer called "", and you will receive an e-mail from me. Be sure to look in your spam folder if you have not received it yet. By the time you read this, your account will have been created, and the password e-mailed to you.

GAMEDEV is a server that I'm maintaining. The accounts on it will be the same username as your GSU ID, but the passwords are not the same. When you log in for the first time, use the "passwd" command to change the password. You can access the server by using your CSC 3320 skills:


where "accountname" is the same as your GSU ID.

Set up a directory called "public_html", and under that, a file called "index.html". This is going to be a public-accessible webpage. In the "index.html" file, put a basic webpage (you can use the contents of to get started). Then make sure that it visible by a browser, and use "chmod 755 ." "chmod 701 ." [Note: 755 would work but 701 allows only the minimum privileges.] on your home directory if needed. Verify that you can access it from a brower. Turn in a link to your webpage.