Help using the Magic software package
There are many Magic commands available.
This is a brief guide to get you started.
Getting started
Type "magic" at the command prompt. You should see a graphics window pop up. You will be working with it and the text window that you invoked the program with.
If this does not work, try:
setenv CAD_HOME /usr/local/cad-try
Point (and click) on the graphics window. Then type commands, starting with a colon ":". For example ":load filename" and ":save". Note: Magic assumes that
the filename has a ".mag" extension. If you type ":load myfile.mag", it will
tell you that it cannot find it. When this happens, type ":load myfile", and
it should work.
Once Magic is running, you can type ":quit" to quit the program.
Useful commands
Using the "Box" tool, position the bottom-left corner with the left button,
and the upper-right corner with the right button. Type ":tool box" to switch
to the box tool if you are not sure which tool you are using.
Use the paint command to indicate which layer you want to work with. For example, ":paint ndiff". You can also specify the colors, e.g. ":paint green". This fills in the box appropriately.
The layers (colors) that you will use the most are:
- metal1 (blue)
- metal2 (purple)
- poly (red)
- ndiff (green)
- pdiff (brown)
- nwell (gray diagonal lines)
- nwc (nwell contact for Vdd line)
- pwc (pwell contact for GND line)
- ndc (connect ndiff to metal1)
- pdc (connect pdiff to metal1)
- pc (or polycontact, connect poly to metal1)
- m2contact (connect metal1 to metal2)
Use ":erase" to clear all layers under the box.
Use ":move (direction) (amount)" to move selected things in the direction you want.
For example, ":move up 10" and ":move left 4". Notice that this moves the box.
You can also have it move everything under the box as well if you use the
select command.
Use the ":label name" command to mark inputs and outputs. You may want to make the box a single point first.
":select clear" clears all selections.
":grid 1 1" resets the grid to be 1x1
Useful shortcuts
In addition to the command above, there are many useful shortcuts.
q moves left 1
w moves down 1
e moves up 1
r moves right 1
u will undo the last command
? (Why?) - provides an explanation of the design rule violated (under the box) (may be y instead)
y (Why?) - provides an explanation of the design rule violated (under the box) (may be ? instead)
o opens a new window
O closes a window
g turns the grid on/off (same as ":grid")
G turns the grid on
b give information about the box
Try using these select commands with the ":move" command.
a selects all things in the box
s selects what is under the box (or adds more to the selection)
d delete the selected item(s)
c copy the selected item(s) to the new cursor location (do not click!)
z zooms in on the area under the box
Z zooms out
v view the entire design
More commands - working with cells
It is a good idea to make a part and replicate it as needed. For example, why
draw a new inverter every time you need one? Instead, make one, save it,
test it out to make sure it works, then load it into other designs as a
- :getcell filename This command will load a previously saved
design cell into your current one.
- :expand will show the contents of the cell(s) under the box
- :unexpand will hide the contents of the cell(s) under the box
- :edit will let you edit a cell
- :open will open a window (like the shortcut "o" above)
- :dump filename.mag will put a copy of another circuit
One difference between the
dump command and the others is that
dump puts the circuit in as if you just drew it. Suppose you use
this command to put a copy of your 2-input NOR gate in your current design.
If you later realize that you made a mistake in the NOR gate, you would
also need to change the mistake within your circuit.
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CSc 4250/6250 main page
gates drawn in Magic.
By Michael Weeks. Last update 12/11/02.