CSc 4210/6210 - Computer Architecture
Dr. Michael Weeks
The class syllabus is broken into sections.
- See the class specific information.
- See the class policies.
- See the specific dates of importance.
- final exam schedule
Homeworks and Assignments
Homework assignments
Note that I may instead write the homework on the board during class.
Turn the homework in through iCollege.
These will be assessed with the "check" system.
- January 29 - Quiz 1
- February 12 - Quiz 2
- February 26 - Quiz 3
- March 12 - Quiz 4
- April 2 - Quiz 5
- April 16 - Quiz 6
- April 23 - Quiz 7
- Summary instructions for graduate students
only. The summary is due in class, along with a 5-minute presentation
April 9.
Use this link
to leave feedback for each presentation.
See the how to review page.
- Wednesday April 30th, 2025 from 08:00 to 10:30 is the final exam
Other Resources
- Article about problem with cars that could
be hardware, or maybe software
- Here's an interesting video about making transistors
- I posted a video to youtube: Experimenting with N and P type transistors
- I posted another video to youtube: LED and Transistor
- Here's another video that I made:
Transistor logic
- The silicon atom
- The silicon crystal
- The p-doped silicon crystal
- The n-doped silicon crystal
- A silicon wafer
- A Dlatch
- A Dregister
- How to use sources in your reports.
- Interview with Forrest
- Here is information about the
Pentium bug.
- Flash memory is non-volatile, so some laptops use it in place of a hard-drive.
Computers use Flash memory for some things, like storing the BIOS,
and a mix of DRAM and SRAM, for low-cost (with DRAM) and
speed (with SRAM). Early in the semester, we covered how to make a
flip-flop from tri-state buffers and inverters, and that is an example
of SRAM. Wouldn't it be great if we could use one type of memory for
everything? While we could a better question is: would we
really want to?
Doing things the way they are currently
balances performance, cost, and non-volatility, and while we might
tolerate spending additional money for better performance, we need to
have non-volatile storage.
So the answer is "maybe," depending on these and other factors,
like operation cost.
Intel has a product to
combine RAM and long-term storage
that may lead to getting rid of the distinction. Is this going to be the
biggest break-through in computer architecture in your lifetime,
or just another over-hyped product?
- Technology in the workplace: phone snubbed by the boss leads to a
lack of trust
Tutorial on using a 7-segment display
- David Patterson Says It's Time for New Computer Architectures and Software Languages
Intel CPU ID controversy
EFF talks about fake accounts on Facebook
Intel's "chiplets"
transistors on a thread
- Intel's 4004 a 4 bit processor from 1971