Phys/CSc 3510
Introductory Embedded Systems Laboratory
Computer Number: 1898
Classroom: 232 SC
Time: MW 5:30-6:20 p.m. (lecture),
MW 6:30-8:00 p.m. (lab)
Instructor: Dr. Michael Weeks
Computer Science Department
Office: 732 College of Education building
Office Hours: TBA
e-mail: TBA
Phone: (404) 651-0660
Lab Assistant: Mr. Jilin Liu
Lab Assistant's e-mail:
hours: Mr. Liu will be available 6:15-8:00 p.m. in the lab on
Mondays and Wednesdays. Please make arrangements directly with him
if you need to get into the lab outside of regular lab hours.
Feel free to ask Mr. Liu any questions about the lab experiments.
Grader: Mr. Hai Deng
Grader's e-mail:
hours: Mr. Deng will often be in the lab, though he will not
hold regular hours. Please contact him with any questions about grading.
Feel free to ask Mr. Deng any questions about the lab experiments.
Course Syllabus
Additional information for Lab #4
Use this file for Lab #5 (before you start typing!)
Use this format for the final lab report
All dates are subject to
It is important that students pay attention to the due dates given on the assignments. This is a tentative schedule and the actual due dates may vary from the ones given.
Important Dates:
January 8: First day of classes
January 15: MLK Jr. Holiday
March 2: Last day to Withdraw
March 5 - 9: Spring Break
May 1: Last day of classes
May 2-8: Final Exams