Lab 1

This is the first Lab, a weekly homework for you to gain experience with class material. These are posted on the official class website (at the ).

By now, you should be familiar with sftp and ssh, and that you have an account on SNOWBALL. For this assignment, upload at least two files to SNOWBALL (e.g. "sftp" then "put file1" where "file1" is whatever file you want to upload. You don't have to call it "file1".). Next, log in to SNOWBALL (e.g. "ssh" and get a long list of the files ("ls -l"), then use "cat" to display the two files you uploaded to the terminal (e.g. "cat file1").

You will create two separate logs, with each log demonstrating your ability to correctly use sftp and ssh. Upload these two logs to iCollege as separate files. Both of these files should have a .txt extension. Do not upload screen-shots. Remove any control characters that might be generated from arrow keys, using control-(some key), backspace, etc. In other words, what you turn in should look like what the text on your screen looks like.