Before we begin this Lab, refer to the previous lab to get a quick reminder on commands that we used. You should also have a clear understanding of how we print the values in Venus with the "ecall".
mkdir lab6
cp ../hello_world/HelloWorld.S lab6_pt1.S
You can copy the code from the previous lab to a new file, such as
First, load integer values from the data section into two registers, add them together, and store the result in another location in the data section. Then, print the text "Add result " followed by the result. Here is an example of how the data section might look.
# Data section, initialized variables
str1: .string "Add result " # String to use
str2: .string "Sub result " # String to use
str3: .string "Not result " # String to use
str4: .string "Neg result " # String to use
hexstr: .string "%x", 10 # String format to use (hex), followed by NL
int1: .word 12
int2: .word 5
int3: .word 1000
sum: .word 0
Next, load the integer values into two registers,
perform addition, print the text "Add result " followed by the result.
Loading an integer value into a register can be done with one of
the following commands. You will need to put the address into x7 first,
as the following loads the address of "int2" into register x7.
la x7, int2
Then we can load the value stored at the address that x7 has, depending
on the size of the value. The command to load from an address allows for
an offset, such as address + 1 but we do not want an offset, so
we use 0.
lb x6, 0(x7) # load byte
lh x6, 0(x7) # load halfword
lw x6, 0(x7) # load word
Note that x6 and x7 are placeholders; you can use other registers.
mv a1, s2 # a1 = s2
This is very useful for holding on to one register's contents and
printing it out. Since we use a0 and a1 in printing, we need to make
sure that we do not overwrite a value that we will use later.
In other words, imagine that you have the result of an arithmetic
operation in a0. Then you decide to print a string before you
print a0's value, so you use
li a0, 4
before the ecall.
This overwrites the result that you plan to print!
la x7, int1
followed by lw x6, 1(x7)
What value do you get in x6? Why?
Question: Did you get the result that you expected?
Copy your code to a new file, "lab6_pt3.S". Then reverse the operands of the subtraction, i.e. instead of finding "int1 - int2", find "int2 - int1". However, this time print the operands and operators, i.e. print
Do not hard-code this: do not define a string as "5-12=-7".
Instead, print the first operand (5), then print the "-" (as a character),
then print the second operand (12), then print the "=", then print the result,
and finally print a new-line character. You may need to find an ASCII
chart to know the character codes.
It's not difficult to do this, but it requires a bit of patience!
Make sure that this works with the values defined in the data section,
so that if we change int1's or int2's value, that it prints the correct
values. To make sure that it works, you should change the values
defined in the data section and demonstrate that it works.
# Not s0's value: Perform not operation
not s2, s0
Repeat this, but use the NEG command instead.
# Neg s0's value: Perform negation
neg s2, s0
# Get the value at int1 into s0
la x7, int1
lw s0, 0(x7)
# Get the value at int2 into s1
la x7, int2
lw s1, 0(x7)
neg s2, s0
add s2, s2, s1
We have used neg command to subtract a value from the other.
Can we use NOT operation for the same purpose? Why or why not?
Remember that we will grade your lab report so it is vital to turn that in. The other files (your code, a text version of any log file, etc.) are to document your work in case we need more information.
What we learned in this lab: