You will be given Labs throughout the semester, typically one each week. You are expected to do them by yourself, during your assigned lab meetings and on your own if you need more time.
To solve the problem, enter any needed programming statements or computer commands. Copy your session and paste it into a text file (.txt) to turn in. Make sure that your text file does not contain any non-ASCII characters (ASCII values 10, 32-126 are fine. Anything else should be removed.)
The Labs will be posted on a link below.
Use a monospaced font if you print your solution.
Some Labs may require other files. In that case, use the cat command to show them. For example, if you create a file called "myexample.c", you should use the command cat myexample.c to display the contents of that file to the screen.
Make sure to show enough runs of your solution to reasonably prove that it works for all cases. For example, if you have an "if" statement, you should show that it works no matter if the condition is true or false. This may not apply to some Labs.
This should appear at the very top of the
work that you turn in.
Put this information at the top-left
of the page. The text in italics show where you need to make
changes. You do not literally have to use italics
Your Name
CSc 3210 Lab #1
Account: your account
Due date: put the due
date here
Paste a log of your activity here.
Turn in your work via iCollege.
Make sure to use a non-proprietary format for any files that you submit. Non-proprietary formats include .c, .csv, .txt, .odt, and .pdf. (Click here for more information.) Also make sure that the format used is appropriate for the assignment, for example, an assignment to write a C program should be submitted as a .c file.
Make sure that your code/printouts use a monospaced font.
A script is short for typescript, where everything typed is saved. This keeps a log of all the input and output. Unix computers provide this capability with the script command. For example, script pc1.txt records all inputs and outputs in a file named ``pc1.txt''. Do NOT call your script file ``hmwk1.c'', or it may overwrite your homework! Make sure to keep a backup of your work. Type man script at the prompt for more information. You do not need to use the script command for all Labs.
Include a complete but concise log of your activity. Complete means that anyone who types in what you type will see what you report. For example, if you type ./hello and get hello! as the response, then you should include (before this) the program that you made that prints that message. You should not include extraneous things. For example, you might type vi lab6.c at some point to modify that file, and that will create a lot of characters in the log. This is extraneous unless the Lab specifically asks for it.
You are responsible for making the printout (or submitted file) look professional. This means removing any extraneous or weird (non-alphanumeric) characters that might appear in the printout.
Be prepared to demonstrate your solution to the TA.
Click here for the assignments