Pick up your midterm exam in the lab.
You will be able to get some points back with the directions described below.
- Re-work the answers to the questions that you missed, writing your
answers on paper by hand.
- You are allowed to access your textbook, your notes, and the class
- You are not allowed to
access other materials (such as someone else, someone else's
notes, webpages that are not directly linked by the class webpage,
someone else's work, AI, etc.).
- Be sure to provide full explanations.
- Be sure to show all of your work.
- For multiple-choice or true/false questions, provide a brief
justification of your new answer.
- For true/false questions, make sure to explain when the answer is
- For any equations, show it in fractional form before simplifying, and
make sure that you do this step-by-step.
- Staple your work, and make sure that it is presentable, e.g. no torn
- Put your name on the papers.
- Hand this in, along with your exam, at the start of class on Wednesday, March 5.
You may be eligible to get back half of the points that you lost.
For example, if your original score is 85 (before the curve),
and you re-work all of the questions that you missed, and your work is
perfect, you can get 15/2 = 7 additional points added to the curved
score (i.e. 86 in this case), resulting in a score of 93.