CSc 2010 - Principles of Computer Science

Tentative Syllabus
Spring 2011
3 credit hours
Time: MW 12:00 pm-01:15 pm

Classroom: Room 320, General Classroom Building

Instructor: Dr. Michael Weeks
Computer Science Department
Office: 34 Peachtree Street, room 1444
Office Hours: 1-3 p.m. Tuesdays, from January 10 to April 25.


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Phone: (678) 952-8196

Teaching Assistant: Mr. Abinashi Dhungel
TA's office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 10:00 AM to Noon (starting January 31)
TA's office: 34 Peachtree Street, room 1407
TA's e-mail address: abi [dot] dhungel [at] gmail [dot] com

The Final Exam will be given in the above classroom on Monday, May 2, from 10:45 a.m. to 13:15 p.m.

G.M. Schneider & J.L. Gersting, Invitation to Computer Science, 3rd Edition, Java Version, Thomson Course Technology, 2007.
K. N. King: Java Programming: from the Beginning 1st edition, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc, 2000


"An introduction to the discipline of computer science. Computer programming is the primary focus of the course, with breadth as the secondary focus. Topics include algorithmic foundations, hardware concepts, virtual machine concepts, software systems, applications, and social issues."

Assignments will include static HTML and Java Programming. These topics will be covered a little out of sequence from their location in the text. "Thus, as much as the text will be covered as possible, starting from Chapter 1 and proceeding sequentially. It is expected that students should have the text and they should always try to read ahead of lectures" [Mr. Bhola's syllabus].