Qubit Account Creation

If you are an instructor and need accounts for Qubit for your class, let me know. First, create an account list with the following info:

account_name,First_name Last_name,student_account_name

Make sure there are no spaces, except between last and first names!

I will run a script with this file, so it's important that you get it correct. Also, the student account names should match their official GSU account names. This way we can contact the student later, if needed.

Here is an example:

jdoe1,Johnathan Doe,jdoe1@student.gsu.edu
rcuyler,Rusty Cuyler,rcuyler@student.gsu.edu

The student accounts can be obtained by clicking on "mail class" under GoSolar. When finished, e-mail me at the following address, and attach the above info in a text file. (It's nice if you can call it "yourname.csv"). Be sure to specify what you want, e.g. accounts on Qubit. Don't just ask me for "student accounts"!

Try This Automatic Format Page

How will the students know their passwords?

The initial passwords will be e-mailed to each student, for example, Lil Cuyler will receive an e-mail in her lcuyler2@student.gsu.edu Inbox containing the login info. Students who claim to not receive the e-mail must look at their spam bin first, before coming to my office and having me show them exactly where it is in their spam bin.

People who already have accounts will need to remember their passwords from before. I can reset passwords, too, but I prefer not to do that.

Any student who wants a password reset should go to the Qubit server

(you must be on the local network to see that page).

Also, if students cannot log in to one computer, have them try another computer or two before giving up.

email address