Welcome to the Homepage of Michael Weeks
Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
College of Arts and Sciences
Georgia State University
Digital Wave Systems Lab (Research page)
Who is presenting when this semester
DSP Using MATLAB and Wavelets (second edition) book on Amazon.com
DSP Using MATLAB and Wavelets (second edition) book on Barnes and Nobel
DSP Using MATLAB and Wavelets book on Barnes and Nobel
DSP Using MATLAB and Wavelets book on Amazon.com
Introduction to MATLAB and Simulink
See this link for
portfolio directions.
Follow this link for Qubit account creation.
Here is a page with javascript to
a list of students from GoSOLAR page info.
Here's a good website about Lotus Self-Defense. I taught this class at GSU's recreation center for 15 years.
I get a lot of requests for information about our CS program at GSU. This link may answer some of your questions.
I also get a LOT of e-mail from prospective graduate students. If you are a prospective graduate student who is thinking of e-mailing me or other faculty members, please read this.
Academic calendar
Here are some
links to javascript programs that I've made.
Spring 2025
- CSc 3210 -
Computer Organization and Programming
- CSc 4210/6210 -
Computer Architecture
- CSc 8270 - Digital Signal Processing
- CSc 8210 - Advanced
Computer Architecture
- CSc 8920 - Computer
Science Teaching Pedagogy
- CSc 4999 - Directed Readings
- CSc 4821/6821 -
Fundamentals of Game Design
- CSc 4630/6630 - Introduction to MATLAB Programming
- CSc 4270/6270 - Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
- CSc 4250/6250 - VLSI CAD & Computer Architecture Laboratory
- CSc 4210/6210 - Computer Architecture
- CSc 4110/6110 - Embedded Systems (see also PHYS 4110) (emphasis on embedded software)
- CSc 3610/7610 - Introduction to MATLAB Programming (Later changed to CSc 4630/6630)
- CSc/PHYS 3510 - Intro Embedded Systems Lab (emphasis on embedded hardware. Changed to CSc 4110/6110.)
- CSc 3320 - System Level Programming (Unix and C)
Here is the
Level Programming Revised Syllabus for Fall 2012 (Unix and C),
also available as a
.pdf file
- CSc 3210 - Computer Organization and Programming (Assembly language: JVM, SPARC, or Intel x86, depending on the semester taught)
- CSc 2311 -
Principles of Computer Programming II (C++)
(this class is no longer listed. There is a course by the same
name and same objectives, CSc 1302, but the programming language is different.)
- CSc 2010 -
Introduction to Computer Science, see also the updated (as of September 5, 2012)
Principles of Computer Science syllabus
(this class is now called CSc 1301, as of Fall, 2016)
I taught a sports clinic in Lotus Self Defense, from 2001--2016. Times vary by semester.
Fall, 2016 course renumbering is (to my knowledege) as follows:
2010 is now 1301
2310 is now 1302
3410 is now 2720
- Curriculum Vitae (A C.V. is like a 10 page resume.)
- My thesis combined the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with Genetic Algorithms. It shows the evolution of cooperation.
- My dissertation presented the first 2 architectures for the 3-D Discrete Wavelet Transform.
You are visitor .
Contact info:
I do not have an office phone at the moment.
It's quicker to get a message to me via e-mail, but I receive more e-mails
than I can answer. If you send me an e-mail, do not expect a response.
Mailing address:
Department of Computer Science
Georgia State University
25 Park Place
Suite 700
Atlanta, GA 30303