What to Include in Your Video

Game Design Project Videos should address questions that viewers are likely to have. For example, if you say that you have an adventure game, what kind of role does the player have? Do they choose the role? What do the different roles mean in terms of the game play? How do they advance their character? How do they win? How could they lose? Who did (or is doing) what for the project?

For the project update video:
Show us what your game would look like as a board/table-top game, with a person providing the feedback that the computer would give (like the Dungeon Master in a game of Dungeons and Dragons).

For the final project video:
Show us your game.

The following list contains many common kinds of questions. You do not necessarily need to address these if the answer is obvious. For example, if you have a card game where each player takes a turn, talking about the physics engine used is likely not needed.

Make sure to include plenty of details. When we watch your video, we should learn how the game works.