CSc 4630/6630 Programming Challenges


You will be given "programming challenges" throughout the semester, typically one each week. These are meant to be short assignments that you can complete in one session. You are expected to do them by yourself, on your own time. However, you are allowed to collaborate with other students on these short homeworks, as long as you do your own work. Ask in class if you are unsure. You are also expected to print your work, and give it to your instructor at the beginning of the class when it is due for a face-to-face class, or submit it via iCollege in an on-line class.

To solve these problems, enter the programming statements. Copy your MATLAB session and paste it into a document to turn in. This should include the ">>" prompts (or "EDU>>" prompts).


The programming challenges will be posted on a link below.

Use a monospaced font to print your solution. An on-line solution should be in a text file. A text file is one with upper and lower case alphabetic letters, digits, and punctuation.

Some assignments may require MATLAB scripts or other files. In that case, use the type command to show them. For example, if you create a file called "myexample.m", you should use the command type myexample.m to display the contents of that file to the screen.

Make sure to show enough runs of your solution to reasonably prove that it works for all cases. For example, if you have an "if" statement, you should show that it works no matter if the condition is true or false. This may not apply to some assignments.


This should appear at the very top of the paper you hand in. Put this information at the top-left of the page. The text in italics show where you need to make changes. You do not literally have to use italics on your printouts.

  Your Name
  CSc 4630/6630 PC1
  Due date: put the due date here

  Paste a log of your activity here.

You could also use "disp" statements to display your name, the assignment, due date, etc., as part of the log.

Turning in your work

Turn in a hard-copy (printout) of your work, unless this class is taught on-line.

The printouts must be handed in at the start of class. Points may be deducted if you walk into class late, or if your assignment is not ready to hand in right away. Make sure that your printouts use a monospaced font.

Include a complete but concise log of your activity. Complete means that anyone who types in what you type will see what you report. For example, if you type disp(a) and get 6 as the response, then you must include (before this) the command that defines variable a. You should not include extraneous things. For example, you might type help diary at some point to read the documentation about the diary command. But this is extraneous unless the homework specifically asks for it.

Multiple pages must be attached by staple, binder clip, paperclip, etc.

You are responsible for making the printout look professional. This means removing any extraneous or weird (non-alphanumeric) characters that might appear in the printout.


Grading for these will be very simple: we check to see that you did the work, that it is correct, and that it is on time. The grading on these homeworks will be typically a check (full credit), a check-minus (7/10th credit), an X (half credit), or a zero (no credit). In rare cases, there might be a check-plus (full credit plus bonus points). The grader may assign other grades as he/she sees fit, such as a percentage, but this is up to the grader and may be overruled by the instructor.

To be clear, these assignments deviate from the normal policy on late work. A late homework will result in a lower grade, e.g. from a check to a check minus, from a check minus to an X, or from an X to a 0.

Click here for the assignments

Copyright 2010-2021, Michael Weeks