ls *wav 1860v2.wav 2600Hz.wav Tritones.wav bach2.wav bad_sierpinski_round_ambient.wav buzz_44100.wav buzz_8000.wav complex_sound.wav ee.wav flute.wav hello.wav hello2.wav myKSAlgo71pct.wav ndb_bach_adagio.wav piano1.wav piano2.wav pop.wav rappin.wav sh.wav she.wav sierpinski_round2.wav sierpinski_round_ambient.wav snap.wav squeak.wav squeak2.wav squeaky_chair.wav sweep_44100.wav sweep_8000.wav teenbuzz17400.wav test_file.wav violin.wav help wavread wavread Read Microsoft WAVE (".wav") sound file. wavread will be removed in a future release. Use AUDIOREAD instead. Y=wavread(FILE) reads a WAVE file specified by the string FILE, returning the sampled data in Y. The ".wav" extension is appended if no extension is given. [Y,FS,NBITS]=wavread(FILE) returns the sample rate (FS) in Hertz and the number of bits per sample (NBITS) used to encode the data in the file. [...]=wavread(FILE,N) returns only the first N samples from each channel in the file. [...]=wavread(FILE,[N1 N2]) returns only samples N1 through N2 from each channel in the file. [Y,...]=wavread(...,FMT) specifies the data type format of Y used to represent samples read from the file. If FMT='double', Y contains double-precision normalized samples. If FMT='native', Y contains samples in the native data type found in the file. Interpretation of FMT is case-insensitive, and partial matching is supported. If omitted, FMT='double'. SIZ=wavread(FILE,'size') returns the size of the audio data contained in the file in place of the actual audio data, returning the 2-element vector SIZ=[samples channels]. [Y,FS,NBITS,OPTS]=wavread(...) returns a structure OPTS of additional information contained in the WAV file. The content of this structure differs from file to file. Typical structure fields include '.fmt' (audio format information) and '.info' (text which may describe title, author, etc.) Output Scaling The range of values in Y depends on the data format FMT specified. Some examples of output scaling based on typical bit-widths found in a WAV file are given below for both 'double' and 'native' formats. FMT='native' #Bits MATLAB data type Data range ----- ------------------------- ------------------- 8 uint8 (unsigned integer) 0 <= Y <= 255 16 int16 (signed integer) -32768 <= Y <= +32767 24 int32 (signed integer) -2^23 <= Y <= 2^23-1 32 single (floating point) -1.0 <= Y <= +1.0 FMT='double' #Bits MATLAB data type Data range ----- ------------------------- ------------------- N<32 double -1.0 <= Y < +1.0 N=32 double -1.0 <= Y <= +1.0 Note: Values in y might exceed -1.0 or +1.0 for the case of N=32 bit data samples stored in the WAV file. Supports multi-channel data, with up to 32 bits per sample. Supports Microsoft PCM data format only. See also audioread, audiowrite, audioinfo. Reference page in Help browser doc wavread [x, fs, b] = wavread('1860v2.wav'); [Warning: WAVREAD will be removed in a future release. Use AUDIOREAD instead.] [> In wavread at 62] fs fs = 44100 b b = 16 plot(x) whos Name Size Bytes Class Attributes b 1x1 8 double fs 1x1 8 double x 490223x1 3921784 double [x, fs, b] = wavread('1860v2.wav'); [Warning: WAVREAD will be removed in a future release. Use AUDIOREAD instead.] [> In wavread at 62] sound(x,fs) ls *.wav 1860v2.wav 2600Hz.wav Tritones.wav bach2.wav bad_sierpinski_round_ambient.wav buzz_44100.wav buzz_8000.wav complex_sound.wav ee.wav flute.wav hello.wav hello2.wav myKSAlgo71pct.wav ndb_bach_adagio.wav piano1.wav piano2.wav pop.wav rappin.wav sh.wav she.wav sierpinski_round2.wav sierpinski_round_ambient.wav snap.wav squeak.wav squeak2.wav squeaky_chair.wav sweep_44100.wav sweep_8000.wav teenbuzz17400.wav test_file.wav violin.wav [x, fs, b] = wavread('bach2.wav'); [Warning: WAVREAD will be removed in a future release. Use AUDIOREAD instead.] [> In wavread at 62] fs fs = 11025 sound(x,fs) whos Name Size Bytes Class Attributes b 1x1 8 double fs 1x1 8 double x 181664x1 1453312 double sound(x,fs*2) sound(x,round(fs/2)) % fft and ifft % AGAGA % user looks for AGA % 2 matches in AGAGA load('genetic.mat'); whos Name Size Bytes Class Attributes b 1x1 8 double data 1x4723 9446 char fs 1x1 8 double x 181664x1 1453312 double d = data(1:20) d = ggggggctgcgcggccgggt % look at a small amount of data to get going % work with upper or lower case ch = 'Z'; clear load('genetic.mat'); ch = 'Z'; disp(' '); disp(' '); disp(' '); disp(' '); disp('A'); A disp('a'); a disp('1'); 1 clc if ((ch == 'A')) disp('A'); end if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <='Z')) disp('A to Z')p disp('A to Z')p | {Error: Unexpected MATLAB expression. } if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <='Z')) disp('A to Z'); end A to Z % ch is uppercase diary off