CSc 4270/6270 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
Tentative Syllabus

Spring Semester, 2008
Classroom: 400-CS (Classroom South)
Time: MW 5:30 pm - 7:10 pm

Instructor: Dr. Michael Weeks
Computer Science Department
Office: 34 Peachtree Street, room 1444
Office Hours: 3:30-4:30 MW


Phone: (404) 413-5722

Teaching Assistant : Ms. Dr. Evelyn Brannock
TA's office: 34 Peachtree Street, Room 1427
TA's office hours: MW 3:45-5:15
e-mail: evelyn[at]
TA's website

The Final Exam will be given in the above classroom on (See attached calendar for the date and time)

Michael Weeks, Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB and Wavelets, Infinity Science Press, 2006, ISBN: 0977858200.
(You may also see Jones and Bartlett as the publisher.)
We will cover chapters 1-6. We will also cover other chapters, as time permits.

(no need to purchase - the first 3 are in Pullen library. You may find these books useful for your semester project.)

Richard Lyons, Understanding Digital Signal Processing, Addison-Wesley, 1997, ISBN 0-201-63467-8.
Kenneth Steiglitz, A DSP Primer: with applications to digital audio and computer music, 1996.
John Miano, Compressed Image File Formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, XBM, BMP, 2000.
Naim Dahnoun, Digital Signal Processing Implementation using the TMS320C6000(tm) DSP Platform, 2000, ISBN 0-201-61916-4.

CSc 4210/6210 Computer Architecture
(Note: CSc 3510 or CSc 4110 Embedded Systems will be accepted in place of CSc 4210) Additionally, students are expected to be able to program in C/C++.

This course covers the nature of information, signals, transforms, and applications. Topics include analog to digital and digital to analog conversion, data storage (such as the audio format MP3), data transforms, and filters. Applications include noise reduction, signal analysis, volume control (e.g. audio signals), and compression. We will be using computer programs to handle mathematical modeling and calculations.

MATLAB will be used for some assignments. No previous experience in MATLAB is expected.