Notes about chapter 4


"PTR" is actually not understood by NASM. MASM (another assembler) needs it in places because MASM allows code like

    mov  eax, val     ; A <- val
    mov  eax, [val]   ; A <- val
which apparently mean the same thing to it. Under NASM, these have distinct meanings.

    mov  eax, val     ; A <- address of val
    mov  eax, [val]   ; A <- value of val
For example, imagine that "val" means the memory location 1234h and stores the value 56h. The address is 1234h, and the value is 56h. MASM needs a way to distinguish "val" and "[val]", and "PTR" does this.

See the ptr_example.txt file. It shows an assembly language program for NASM similar to the chapter 4 slide 44. Since the example uses the value 12345678h, which takes 4 bytes, and because Intel uses a "Little Endian" ordering, this is stored as 78, 56, 34, 12 (all hexedecimal) in memory. Accessing this value as a byte sequence verifies this.

In class, I mentioned that we could also access the bytes individually in C. The program "ptr.c" shows how to do this. It uses a "union" to store myint and mychar (a character array) in the same place in memory. You don't need to know what a union is for our class, since it's covered in the csc3320 class. What it does for us is that it allows us to verify this concept using a HLL.


"OFFSET" is another key word needed by MASM. In the slides for the Irvine book, we see examples like this (chapter 4, slide 42).

    mov  esi, OFFSET bVal     
    mov  esi, OFFSET wVal     
These return the addresses of these variables, so if the data section starts at 00404000h (as given in the example), and bVal is the first thing in the data section, then bVal will have the address 00404000h. Other variables will have subsequent addresses, based on their order and the sizes of the variables before it. For example, dVal has the address 00404003h, and takes up 32 bits (4 bytes). Therefore, the next thing defined, dVal2, has the address 00404003h + 4h = 00404007h.

In NASM, we do not need to specify "OFFSET". See the program offset.asm (under the link called offset.txt). Notice that "dVal" starts at 60103bh. Don't read too much into these addresses; the point is that the data section starts at a memory address, and the data values are based on that.


Chapter 4's slide 49 shows examples of TYPE, which is not supported in NASM. Examples like these

    mov  eax, TYPE var1
    mov  eax, TYPE var2
mean that the size of each variable, in bytes, is stored in the A register. Under NASM, we can achieve the same effect with code like this.

    wVal:     dw 0
    wVal_size equ ($ - wVal)
    mov   eax, wVal_size
See the file type.txt for an example. Is there another way to do this in NASM? The document holds the answer (e.g. see section 2.2.3). This is a good resource to bookmark.

Indexed Operands

Slide 59 (chapter 4) shows an example of making a sum of an array. Here (array_sum_pointer.txt) is an example for NASM. In it, the array "arrayW" holds three values. We put the address into RSI, use it to get a word, then add 2 to RSI to advance the address to the next word.

   mov   rsi, arrayW
   mov   ax, [rsi]          ; get the first word
   add   rsi, 2             ; increment the "pointer"

The first program outputs 24576 as the sum. This does not look right, but it actually is. The second program gives the output in hexadecimal, which makes the sum easy to verify.

A third program shows a variation. Instead of putting the address of arrayW into RSI, and using RSI to access the value, it uses RSI as an index. RSI starts with a value of 0, and we access "[arrayW + rsi]" to get the value.

   mov   rsi, 0
   mov   ax, [arrayW + rsi]   ; get the first word (different way to access)
   add   rsi, 2               ; increment the "pointer"
Actually, the comment is not updated; it should say that it is incrementing the "index". Also, an increment is +1, though here it is more conceptual, in that it advances the index to the next value.

Duplicate label as a "pointer variable"

Page 62 of the chapter 4 slides shows "ptrW" used as a pointer to "arrayW". Here (array_sum_pointer_v2.txt) is a log showing a program that does this. The first version contains this:

    arrayW:  dw 1000h, 2000h, 3000h
    ; The next line does not work. Assembler expects more.
    ptrW:    arrayW                          
As the comment says, this does not work, and the assembler generates an error based on the "ptrW" line.

The slide includes "DWORD", but that does not help here. We can try this:

    arrayW:  dw 1000h, 2000h, 3000h
    ; The next line does not work. Assembler expects more.
    ;ptrW:    arrayW                          
    ptrW:    dq arrayW                       
However, using "dq arrayW" does not quite work either. The dq may say "ptrW starts here and has 64 bits", i.e. not create a duplicate pointer to arrayW. What it does is put the address of arrayW in memory here. In other words, "ptrW" is not equivalent to "arrayW", but "[ptrW]" is equivalent to "arrayW". While the program assembles, links, and runs, the sum's result is obviously wrong. The output contains the addresses, and those show that "arrayW" and "ptrW" do not share the same address, which is what this example is supposed to show. It is close to a solution, though, and we'll revisit it in a minute.

The next example shows a simple solution.

    ptrW:                                   ; This works.
    arrayW:  dw 1000h, 2000h, 3000h
This defines the label "ptrW" but does not have anything there. The next line defines the label "arrayW" and includes the array values. Thus, both labels point to the same memory location.

Finally, we revisit the second version.

[ ~]$ diff array_sum4b.asm array_sum4d.asm
< ; Assemble:	  nasm -f elf64 array_sum4b.asm
< ; Link:		  gcc array_sum4b.o -o array_sum4b
> ; Assemble:	  nasm -f elf64 array_sum4d.asm
> ; Link:		  gcc array_sum4d.o -o array_sum4d
<    mov   rsi, ptrW
>    mov   rsi, [ptrW]
[ ~]$ 
The "diff" command is good to use here, where we want to know the differences between the two files. As you can see, the difference is that the array_sum4d.asm version puts square brackets around ptrW, so that it gets the value stored there. We can conclude that the value is in fact the address of arrayW.

The LOOP instruction

Slide 66 shows the LOOP instruction. The example is to find the sum of an array. The first attempt at using it (array_sum5.txt) shows that the sum is not correct. It also outputs the indices and the values stored. These pieces of information help identify the problem. The indices are correct, but the array values shown are not. Closer inspection reveals that the array values shown are a mix of the values defined in the array. This points to a problem with accessing the data on the correct boundaries. In other words, we see values printed are a combination of array values.

A second example is shown that does things differently. One major change is that the array values are 8 bits instead of 16. The loop instruction works with the C register, and automatically decrements it, but then accessing the array values based on it becomes a problem when working with larger values than bytes. A second issue is that we are accessing the values in reverse order. This may or may not be aproblem, depending on what you are trying to do. Finding a sum is not problem, since the result will be the same regardless of whether we access the values in ascending or descending order. With the changes indicated, the second example does show a LOOP command with array accesses.

-Michael Weeks, Feb 29, 2024