Lab 11 - String Operations

Follow the Lab instructions and policies as usual for this Lab. The submission criteria for log text files and the submission of Q&A remain same as previous labs. In this lab we are going to perform various string operation exercises in 6 parts.

Follow the below instructions to perform all the given string operations for NASM (X86) executing by linking the GCC external C library.

Part1 - Copying the given sentence

Copying the given sentence: Read and display the given sentence as part of this exercise. Use this sentence ("Low Level Assembly Programming") to read and display using assembly level language.

Code is already provided for copy_string.asm, as shown below. Copy the code as it is and follow the below instructions for execution.

section .data
    string db "Low Level Assembly Programming",0
    len equ $-string
section .bss
    copy resb len
section .text
    global main
    extern puts
    mov rcx,len         ; Use 64-bit registers
    xor rdx,rdx         ; Clear rdx register
    xor rax,rax         ; Clear rax register
    mov al,byte[string+rdx]  ; Access byte from string
    mov byte[copy+rdx],al    ; Copy byte to copy
    inc rdx             ; Increment rdx
    cmp rdx,rcx         ; Compare rdx with rcx (length of string)
    jl lp               ; Jump to lp if rdx is less than rcx
    lea rdi, [copy]     ; Load address of copy into rdi (64-bit pointer)
    call puts           ; Call puts function
    ret                 ; Return

To execute the above code use NASM and GCC commands as mentioned below.
[ ~]$ nasm -f elf64 copy_string.asm -o copy_string.o
[ ~]$  gcc -m64 -o copy_string copy_string.o
[ ~]$  ./copy_string
Expected output of this exercise:
Low Level Assembly Programming

Answer the following Questions for Part1
Question 1: Explain the purpose of the lea instruction used in the endof section?
Question 2: What does the jl instruction do in the loop (lp)?
Question 3: What would happen if the copy buffer was not allocated enough space to hold the entire string?
Question 4: How does the code ensure that the copied string (copy) is null terminated?
Question 5: Explain the purpose of the puts function and how it interacts with the main function?

Part2 - Finding the length of the given sentence

In this part read the given sentence and find the length of the given sentence. Sentence to be used for this exercise "Low Level Assembly Programming" (same as Part1) and display the length of the given string as a numerical value (In this case the length of the given string 30).

Below code segment will be helpful to achieve this exercise:

    xor rax, rax          ; Clear rax
    xor rcx, rcx          ; Clear rcx (counter for string length)
    mov rdi, string       ; Load the address of the string into rdi
    cmp byte [rdi + rcx], 0   ; Compare the current character to null terminator
    je endof                   ; If it's null, jump to endof
    inc rcx                    ; Increment the counter
    jmp lp                     ; Repeat the loop
Expected output of this exercise: 30

Answer the following Questions for Part2
Question 1: How does the xor rax, rax instruction clear the rax register, and why is it necessary to clear it before use?
Question 2: Explain the purpose of using xor rcx, rcx to clear the rcx register before counting the length of the string?
Question 3: What is the significance of the instruction cmp byte [rdi + rcx], 0 in the loop, and how does it contribute to the termination condition?
Question 4: If the string were to contain non-ASCII characters or multi-byte characters, how might that affect the accuracy of this code in calculating the length of the string?
Question 5: Suggest an alternative approach to counting the length of the string without using a loop. How might this alternative approach differ in terms of efficiency or complexity compared to the given code?

Part3 - Counting the given characters in a sentence

As a part of this exercise, count a specific given character in the given sentence. For this exercise use this sentence "This is string". In this sentence count how many times the character 'i' (lower case (i)) appeared.

Below code segment will be helpful to achieve this exercise:

    mov rsi, string      ; Load the address of string into rsi (64-bit register)
    xor rcx, rcx         ; Clear rcx register
    cmp byte [rsi], 0    ; Compare byte at address rsi with 0
    jz endof             ; If null terminator is reached, jump to endof
    cmp byte [rsi], 'i'  ; Compare byte at address rsi with 'i'
    jne nextchar         ; If not equal, jump to nextchar
    inc rcx              ; Increment rcx if 'i' found
Expected output of this exercise: 3

Answer the following Questions for Part3
Question 1: Explain the difference between cmp and test instructions in assembly language?
Question 2: What is the purpose of the jz instruction in assembly language, and how does it relate to the Zero Flag (ZF)?
Question 3: How does the inc instruction differ from the add instruction in assembly language?
Question 4: Describe the purpose of the jne instruction in assembly language and provide an example scenario where it might be used?
Question 5: Explain the concept of addressing modes in assembly language and provide examples of different addressing modes?

Part4 - Counting the spaces (' ') in given sentence

As a part of this exercise, count a space in the given sentence. For this exercise use this sentence "Spaces are going to count from here so we are giving more and more and more". In this sentence count how many times ' ' appears.

Below code segment will be helpful to achieve this exercise:

    cmp byte [rsi], 0  ; Compare byte at address rsi with 0
    jz endof           ; If null terminator is reached, jump to endof
    mov al, ' '        ; Load ' ' into al register
    cmp byte [rsi], al ; Compare byte at address rsi with ' '
    jnz lp2            ; If not equal, jump to lp2
    inc rcx            ; Increment rcx if ' ' found
Expected output of this exercise: 15

Answer the following Questions for Part 4
Question 1: Explain the significance of the cmp byte [rsi], 0 instruction in the loop. How does it contribute to the termination condition?
Question 2: What is the purpose of loading the value ' ' into the al register before comparing it with the byte at address rsi?
Question 3: Describe the role of the jnz lp2 instruction in the code segment. When and why would the program jump to the lp2 label?
Question 4: How does the inc rcx instruction increment the value of rcx in this context? What role does rcx play in the code?
Question 5: Consider scenarios where the string contains multiple consecutive spaces. How might such scenarios affect the efficiency or accuracy of the space counting algorithm implemented in this code segment?

Part 5 - Reversing the given sentence

For this exercise use the below sentence and try to achieve the mentioned output.
"This string is going to be reversed."
Expected output of this exercise:
.desrever eb ot gniog si gnirts sihT

Part 6 - Palindrome word or not?

Use the below mentioned word to check whether given word is palindrome or not? "NITIN". In this approach perform reversing the given string and compare the given string and reversed string. If the string is same as reverse of it, then print a message as Palindrome else print a message as Not A Palindrome

Expected output of this exercise:

In this lab, we have learned: